Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. Volume 7 Chapter 5

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Hope. Desire. Despair.

Steel-san’s exam will continue tomorrow as well. Although we won’t be able to throw a party, eating dinner together with everyone should be enough. While Tsutsukakushi and Azuki Azusa were busy preparing the food, Emi and I went out to buy juice. After finishing her bath, Emi gave off a nice smell. The smell of the Tsutsukakushi Household, to be precise.

“Can you get a bit closer with that still-wet hair of yours?”

“…You really think about the stupidest things…”

“Where did the cute Emi from this morning go!?”

“Service time has ended! There’s no girl who would say ‘Onii-chan! Love chu!’ for free! Anything more than that will cost you!”

“What a tough world we live in.”

“What were you expecting me to say after you tried to barge into my bath several times, you pumpkin?!”

The two of us exchanged our usual banter as we stepped out of the entrance. It was as peaceful as always, and the sky showed no signs of either rain or snow. Tomorrow’s weather will be clear, and so will the weather the day after tomorrow. When we walked out of the staff entrance to the residence…


Someone was standing to the side of the main gate. They hid in the shadows of a tree, where no rain nor snow nor even sun could reach them. This person looked oddly familiar to me. Their eyes looked caved in, filled with a dark light. This time, the man wasn’t controlling a black cat puppet. Nor was he wearing a mask. He only had the hood of his hoodie pulled down.

With a highly interested and intrigued gaze, he watched Emi and me holding hands. And then he slowly spoke. Not with the puppet, but with his own mouth.

“This is no good.”

It was a husky voice. Like someone had forced it out of their throat after not having spoken for years. Yet, I could clearly pick up the words he said next.

“At this rate you’ll fail. Completely so, to your own detriment. Very soon, you will—”

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