Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. Volume 11 Afterword

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Hentikan Hentai! (The shortest greeting in history)

Hello everyone, this is Sagara Sou. Because of certain circumstances, I have to keep this afterword every short!

[Invigorating Prince and Stony Cat]’s volume 11 told the story of someone working hard for someone else’s happiness. I think the next volume will be a long epilogue, yeah! There’s this and that girl, everybody wouldn’t get very much attention for a while, and I plan on making every one of them happy, so I would be glad if you stick around until the end.

As a side note, the second volume of the series [Sonna Sekai wa Kowashiteshimae – Qualidea Code –1] might be releasing soon. It will also be broadcasted this year in July, and I’d love to gush about it, but I have no space left! So please keep yourself informed about [Project Qualidea]!

To all my readers, my many editors, Kantoku-sama, and everyone involved with the distribution of this novel, I am eternally thankful to you. I hope we can see each other again soon.

Hentikan Hentai! (Greeting)

Sagara Sou

1Already linked it before, but here you can have it again.

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