Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. Volume 11 Chapter 0

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On a Clear Day

Whenever I think about happiness, these words come back to me.

If you want to experience happiness in life, your task is simple:

Go on a picnic with your family on a clear Sunday.

These words were spoken by an overseas politician, a devoted husband, when he was asked about the secret of a long life. I like these words. They sound lyrical and simple to follow.

At the same time, they might just be the exact opposite of what our teacher, Oscar Wilde, might say. If you were to ask Wilde, he’d probably be as cynical as always, calling him a ‘Prisoner dragging his own friend down into the grave’, or ridicule it as ‘Political debate with private life’.

As a matter of fact, that politician was probably much happier than Oscar Wilde, for sure. Unlike Wilde, who lived his last moments in solitude, the politician saw happiness in proportion to the days he spent with his family. If you can find a goal in your life for someone other than you, that must be true happiness. I’m sure of it.

You know, I’ve been thinking about happiness a lot as of late. Will I ever be invited to a picnic myself, I wonder? Will I be able to make someone happy, even if they’re stuck in the refrigerator, their clothes torn up, or laying bedridden because of a sickness?

Everything that I just mentioned is basically referring to a picnic. Yes, that’s all there is to it.

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