Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? Volume 10 Epilogue

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“Woah, it’s cold…”

“It sure cools down fast late in the day like this.”

Keiki and Yuika had returned to their hometown by train, and by the time they stepped out at the train station, it had already gotten dark. The air was freezing, and small white clouds appeared whenever they breathed out. Everything in the vicinity of the station was still lit up with Christmas lights. There were illuminations wherever they looked.

“It seems like they put a lot of effort into this place as well,” Yuika commented.

“I feel like cleaning all of this stuff up would be a pain.”

“Let’s enjoy this for as long as it lasts, okay?” Yuika sighed at Keiki’s pessimism.

At the same time, she took a few pictures with her phone.

“Let’s head home. It’s gotten dark already.”

“Yes, let’s…”

The two of them started walking towards the girl’s home. They walked next to each other idly chatting. About the date today, the exams a while back, or just holiday plans in general. And as they approached Yuika’s home—


Beneath a street light, the girl suddenly stopped.


“Keiki-senpai…” She called his name with a quiet voice.

With a worried gaze, she looked up at Keiki.

“Could we… take a short detour?”


He found himself unable to deny her request thanks to her dampened eyes, which were like the eyes of a puppy about to be left behind. Keiki nodded quietly, and the two of them started walking again. He didn’t know the destination, and they took streets they wouldn’t normally use. They made their way away from the residential district, and the number of people around them grew less.

How far did they walk in the end? Eventually, they arrived at a pedestrian bridge near the school.


From the pitch-black sky, small bubbles of white came raining down. Fragile, small snowflakes, which could break with but a single breath. It was the first white Christmas for many years.



The two of them lined up next to each other, gazing down at the scenery from the pedestrian bridge. Even though it should have been a familiar sight, the snow made it look like something special, almost otherworldly.

“…Hey, Keiki-senpai?”


“You see, Yuika likes Keiki-senpai.”


For a second, Keiki couldn’t grasp what Yuika was saying.

“Ah, just to let you know, that wasn’t a joke, and Yuika doesn’t mean as a friend. Yuika likes you as a member of the opposite sex.”


Before Keiki could say anything, Yuika sealed off all avenues of mental escape. He had trouble processing what she had said.

“Are you surprised?”

“I thought my heart was going to leap out of my chest…”

“Keiki-senpai is dense, so you would probably never understand unless Yuika told you this straightforwardly.”

Was he really that dense? To be honest, the answer to that wasn’t important at all.

“I mean… why? Since when…?”

“Around the time you reached out to Yuika in the library room. After that, Yuika just grew interested in you… and then it just came naturally?”


Basically, from the very beginning. However, Keiki was still skeptical.

“Didn’t you want me to become your slave?”

“That’s obvious. Yuika wanted you to become her slave because she likes you.”


When she said that, Keiki was at a loss for words. He would have never guessed.

“Yuika actually likes this current relationship very much, you know? Getting rejected every time she tries to win Keiki-senpai over as a slave… She started thinking that things didn’t have to change, and that just staying with Senpai was more than enough.” She spoke with a kind tone, dwelling on her memories. “The reason she didn’t confess until now was because she was afraid of ruining this relationship she loved…” She continued to tell Keiki her feelings. “Even so, Yuika realized that she had to tell you so that she wouldn’t regret anything.”

“Regret what?”

“Airi was telling Yuika this at our last sleepover. That Keiki-senpai might be taken by someone else if Yuika hesitates.”

“Nagase-san did…?”

“Just imagining Keiki-senpai going out with someone else made Yuika tear up and feel a sharp pain in her chest…”

As if she were remembering this feeling, Yuika put one hand on her chest.

“Yuika doesn’t want Keiki-senpai to be taken by anybody else… Not Witch-senpai, nor Mao-senpai, nor Mizuha-senpai…”


“That’s why she decided to not show her true self today. Because you don’t like a sadistic girl like Yuika. You like a pure, cute girl.”


His doubts had been cleared away. That was the reason she had gone the entire day without showing her sadistic side. In order to have her beloved Senpai look at her. Her Senpai who preferred normal love more than anything. She had planned to confess today from the very beginning.

“…Hey, Keiki-senpai?”

In this snowy weather, on top of the pedestrian bridge.

“Was Yuika able to be the type of cute girl you would like, Senpai?”

After she asked Keiki this, she didn’t even wait for his answer.

“Because Yuika likes Keiki-senpai… if… if you were to choose her…”

Her eyes shone with determination.

“…Yuika wouldn’t mind becoming a normal girl.”

9 thoughts on “Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka? Volume 10 Epilogue

  1. unless this is a harem end, Yuika will lose, the first one to confess is always the first one to lose in this kind of series


    1. Sad but true. Even more sad is that I doubt it will be a harem end.


  2. Well, this is modern times so the chance of it being harem is low. Unless there is an ending for each girls.


  3. Keiki’s Deperversion Plan Log
    Suject: Yuika Koka


  4. As much as this sounds like a good deal, it’s not good to have someone be something they’re not. Unless she genuinely gets bored with sadism, it’s not gonna end well.


    1. Isaac William Baracker 21. September 2020 — 22:57

      Definitely agree with this


      1. If she did genuinely change though, that would be great. Since she is the best looking and most likable when her fetish isn’t a focus.




  6. this is why harems are no good. somebody’s gonna get heart broken and only one can win


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