Butsuriteki ni Koritsu shiteiru Ore no Koukou Seikatsu Volume 2 Chapter 4

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Even If What You Say May Be Correct, There Are Times You Can’t Accept It

It’s over…I still have the greater half of summer break left, but shortly before Obon, I managed to finish my homework. Of course, this was not referring to my homework in life, but simply my summer homework. A pen rolled along my desk, completely used up. It works to write with it, but the eraser part of it got lost, which also acts as a lid, so I have to constantly refill it. But even that old-timer pen can manage to finish my summer homework.

“I think it took me a bit longer than last year. Maybe because I left my least favorable math homework for last?”

Whenever I’m inside the walls of my own home, I tend to talk to myself more. But either way, my academic ability is not half bad despite being at Seikou. Of course, you might question the idea of making people study at a school for supernatural abilities. Basically, they’re telling us to study so we won’t have issues later down the line. Generally speaking, there is no discrimination toward people with supernatural abilities (although it depends on the ability itself). After all, when it comes to most people, it’s impossible to tell what ability they have. In most cases, it’s just a peculiar trait that helps them in their daily lives. Of course, some abilities do get in the way of a regular job (such as mine). That’s why the school chose this concept of still asking the students to learn regularly in case they cannot put their ability to good use. For that reason, we get a lot of summer homework, and a lot of studies to prepare for university entrance exams.

And yet, I swiftly brought an end to them. If I’m just going to laze around all day, I might as well get to work on the homework. Especially if I have nothing else to do. As such, I’ve been slowly chipping away at it. And unlike in middle school, we had no homework like drawing something or doing a diary, so if I focused on it every day, it ended quickly. I glanced over at the calendar on the wall.

“Not like I have any plans other than meeting up with the guys from the HRRA…”

Sure, there are definitely more plans compared to last year that fill my schedule. However, I had zero before, so that’s to be expected. I still had too much free time on my hands. And nobody’s inviting me either. I don’t have anybody to hang out with. And since I lacked the ability to invite out people, I had an abundance of free time. I mean, even if I’d joined a club or anything like that, there are still communities amongst the clubs. So is the case for cram schools. And the guys from our class all have their own friendships. Meanwhile, I don’t have anything like that. If my grandparents lived in a rural area, I could visit them for Obon, but my whole family lives in Tokyo and Saitama. I’d be back the same day. As for what I’m trying to say…I don’t have anything to do.

“I’ve gotten weak…”

Of course, there is still the big event of us from the HRRA going to Shinomiya-san’s private villa. However, that’s only in ten days. What else am I supposed to do during this long summer break? If I was a normie, I’d just be off to Shinjuku or Shibuya and spend time there. But could someone like me with my Drain ability really just nonchalantly walk around all those crowded places? I need a place that doesn’t see many people while also being interesting to hang out. On my phone, I looked up “Hachijouji Mountains,” but eventually decided against it. It’d be a safe choice regarding my drain, but it’s way too hot this season. Maybe I could play some games? No, I’ll only regret using this time more efficiently. Maybe I could go to the library?

This makes me curious about how everyone else is enjoying their summer. I do love the weekends. It allows me to live in a favorable environment that is good for us loners. I’m so famous as a loner even, I never once got told to form a group of two with someone. Thankfully, the weekend frees me from any such torture. I don’t remember much from elementary school, but as soon as I entered middle school, I pretty much spent my summer breaks doing nothing. I really haven’t made any progress at all. Maybe I should focus on something. Focus on music or anything to get my mind off things.

Speaking of music, there’s Takawashi. Maybe I could ask her about some good bands to listen to. Her choices would probably be something along the lines of “I’m not interested in what’s popular, so I’m listening to the real deal.” For her, it might work…but I’m already unpopular, so if I pull that off, I’ll just look creepy in everyone’s eyes. I grabbed my phone but waited for a whole two minutes. Except, it felt like 20 whole minutes. W-Well, she constantly annoys me, so just asking her about music shouldn’t be too bad…But suddenly, I got a LINE message from the very same person I was thinking about.

‘Are you free right now?’

It was Takawashi.

‘That is the worst way of asking, you know?’

If it was an exciting invitation, one would consider it even if they had plans already. And sometimes, you’re free but still don’t want to leave the house. Asking if the other person is free robs the other person of their right of choice.

‘First, you state your business. And then, I can decide if I’m free or not.’

‘Hmm…So you’re busy? Guess I’ll ask someone else.’

Damn it, she’s not playing fair!

‘Wait! I didn’t say that! I can check if I’ve got time once you tell me what you want!’

‘Gure-kun, if you go this far and still decline in the end, you’ll end up an awful person.’

‘I know that! That’s why it’s good manners to tell me first! If you don’t want me to respond like that, then you’ve gotta put in some work, too!’

‘I mean, you’re probably free anyway, so you’d agree to whatever I would invite you to, right? And yet you act like Mr. Important of the Small Goods World.’

‘Don’t give me a weird nickname like that! And not such a long one, either!’

‘Where’s your apology then?’

Why am I the one who has to apologize? I don’t get it at all. However, if I don’t, she won’t even tell me what she was thinking of inviting me to. Honestly, it took quite some time to just type in those five letters.


‘And you think those five letters are enough to count as an apology? I believe you should say a few more words to really express how sorry you are.’

“She’s really starting to piss me off…”

I mumbled to myself. You often hear about people being perfectly normal in person but end up causing hell once you meet them in person, but she’s the same in both aspects.

‘Anyway, I’d like to discuss our plans on what we’re going to do with everyone at the villa, so could we meet at the family restaurant near the train station right after noon?’

That was abrupt. She could have at least told me the day before, but since I was bored out of my mind anyway, I guess I don’t have any right to complain.

‘Shinomiya-san just texted me, and honestly, I’m glad because I had too much time on my hands.’

Oh dear me, another victim of summer break!

‘I feel that. I was the same until just now.’

I was feeling happy so I texted that in the heat of the moment, only to realize my mistake.

‘We are the same? Oh, as in homo sapiens, right? In that sense, even slave and king are the same.”

For a while, she continued to fling these insults my way. It’s all my fault because I got too excited. But thankfully, a few minutes later, she added the last piece of information I needed.

‘We’ll meet in front of the ticket gate.’

‘Gotcha,” I responded.


I arrived in front of the train station with my bicycle and checked out a few new releases at the bookstore to then make my way over to the ticket gate, where Shinomiya-san had been waiting.

“Been a while.”

“That it has, Hagure-kun,” she politely greeted me once again.

This was the same as always, but something felt off about her today. The reason for that was all too obvious. We from the HRRA would realize immediately. After all, there was a physical distance between Shinomiya-san and the Chief Maid. They’d usually stick pretty close together, and yet I could see a clear 50 centimeters between them. As a result of that, Shinomiya-san seemed way less gleeful, and she had a new book in her right hand. She must have been reading until I got here. If so, she wasn’t talking with the Chief Maid even until I got here.

“Thank you very much for making time out of your day for us. I simply wished to finish the plans and schedule for our stay at the villa.”

Only when talking to me did she actually smile? But to me, it felt like she kept up an outer shell. Not that I would know why that is. I don’t have enough information to make that decision.

“I mean, we’re more than happy that we can even use that place to stay over. The actual location is in Shirakabako, right?”

I looked it up online beforehand, but I still wanted to check and make sure.

“Yes, we will have to take the Chuo Line to reach Kamisuwa in the Nagano prefecture, and then switch over using the bus. Even for us without a car, public transport will be just enough to get there, which is wonderful.”

Thankfully, Takawashi arrived before things could get awkward again. She wore a similar outfit compared to when we went to the beach together. It’s nothing special, and yet she did look relatively handsome despite that.

“It sure is hot today, is it not? Cool me down with your usual jokes, Gure-kun.”

Why does she make it sound like my jokes always suck?

“Like I care. You can order some ice cream at the restaurant then.”

Takawashi gave me a quick glance, only to avert her eyes immediately after. I’m sure this must be a safety measure because of her Heart Open, but just knowing she even acknowledged me was enough.

“Apologies for abruptly calling you here,” said Shinomiya-san, which made me make the final connection that Shinomiya-san planned today’s meeting.

“Don’t worry about it. Ayameike-san had time today, so obviously we have to use that. We don’t even need to ask about Gure-kun’s plans, of course. Knowing him, he might be so deprived of plans that he’d just go mountain climbing for an hour or two. It’s really sad.”

“H-How did you know?!”

I figured I could spend a whole day hiking if I went north within the town using just my bicycle.

“It’s really not that hard to guess. Also, Ayameike-san still is the last person to come today, huh?”

Aika seems to be the type of person to always come last. I would never do that, of course, but I guess I’m just a worrywart. Though I’ve never heard of losing your friends just because you’re a few minutes late.

“Let’s tell Ayameike-san our meeting time just five minutes earlier. Like five minutes before 1 P.M. or something like that.”

“Now you’re just being mean!”

As we were talking about that, Aika arrived while waving her hand at us, saying “Sorry for the wait, you guys!”

“You really did make us wait,” said Takawashi without remorse.

This must be because of the many universities and schools we had in this town, but there are almost terrifyingly many family restaurants right in front of the Hachiouji train station. Amidst all of them, we chose one that seemed relatively enter, which would make it easier for me. We chose a table near the window, with my seat sticking out onto the path between the tables. To anybody else, it probably looked like I was not used to talking with women, but…well, that’s not entirely wrong, either. Facing me (or at least close to that) was Takawashi, with Aika next to her.

“This’ll be our plan for the moment,” said Shinomiya-san who sat in the corner right next to the wall, handing us a few printed documents put together with clippers. Some of them read details about nearby tourist attractions, too. The plan was for us to take the train in the early morning to then reach the Suwa area later on. That’d allow us to save money, too. Shinomiya-san might be able to afford it with her wealthy family, but the same can’t be said about the rest of us. On our first day, we’re going to check out the tourist spots in Shimosuwa and then take the bus from Kamisuwa to reach the villa in Shirakabako. For the second day, we’re going to check out Shirakabako and then leave for Kamisuwa, go sightseeing, and then go back to the villa at night. For our third day, we’d return to Koufu and then check out the town to then head home. Clearly, we had a packed schedule.

“Honestly, I feel bad for making you plan all that…”

“You’re such a fast worker, RanRan! With this, we’ll have a blast checking out Shira…hanako!”

“Ayameike-san, you read that as ‘Shirakabako’.”

Guess she got stuck at the reading, huh? Then again, I’m not the type of person to comment on every little thing and annoy the person.

“By the way, if you read Shirakaba backward, you get ‘Baka rashii’, which is, in itself, pretty stupid yet accurate, right?”

“Don’t tell her that to her face!”

“Is that so? Seems like Aika’s learned something new today! Thanks a lot, Erin!” Aika took this in a positive way, even going so far as to thank Takawashi.

“Gure-kun, if you don’t open up and see the world in its full glory, you’ll only stay in this kind of monochrome view. Just change your attitude and you’ll discover all sorts of new things.”

“Why are you making it sound like I’m in the wrong?! This isn’t right!”

Not only that, Takawashi even had the nerve to look down on me. She really knows how to grind my gears. But then, Shinomiya-san stood up. Now that I think about it, the Chief Maid had just whispered something into her ear. The Chief Maid was standing stiff in the corner after all.

“U-Um, there is one thing I’d like to confirm first…” Shinomiya-san looked at me with a worried gaze, looking up at me from more than two meters away.

What is this about? I don’t like that stiff expression of hers. That whole thing seems like a confession is breeding…Yeah, not happening. This isn’t fiction, it’s reality. Then again, my life’s been horrible so far, so it wouldn’t be all too shocking if I finally got to experience my own youth. No, please bless me already! If I get no youth… no spring, then I get no summer or fall or winter either.

“This isn’t…bullying either, right…Hagure-kun…?”

“…Say what?”

I couldn’t stop myself from answering this question. I know it was rude, but it made no sense to me.

“Well…Takawashi once again said something akin to denying your rights as a human, so…I didn’t know if I should comment on that or not…Especially after you told me I was just jumping to conclusions before.”

“It’s not bullying, no…” I politely responded as I usually do.

I was shocked by this. I mean, it wasn’t earth-shattering, but it’s like realizing you had a coupon for a bowl of gyudon after you already finished eating and left the restaurant. Does it really look like I’m being bullied?

“RanRan, you’ve got it all wrong!”

Facing Shinomiya-san, meaning to my side (with the appropriate distance, of course), Aika slammed her hands on the table and stood up.

“Erin isn’t doing something so aggressive! She’s doing this out of love! This is her way of expressing her affection!”

Love?! That’s a word I sure didn’t expect to hear!

“H-Hold on! Ayameike-san! I’m going to sue you! This is not love! No matter how broad the definition may be, Gure-kun will always remain outside of it!” Takawashi slapped her hands down on the table.

What a troublesome customer she was. But when I looked over at her, she had her gaze glued to the ground. It felt like she was desperately trying to not meet anyone’s gaze, even if she was getting heated right now. Aika’s statement must have really ticked her off…And that does hurt a bit…Even I knew that’s not what Aika meant. The kind of teasing affection is different from love. I want to believe that she actually doesn’t hate me so much she’d keep bullying me…I really do!

“Listen, Shinomiya-san…Think about it. If there is someone you can be frank and open with, it’d be pretty creepy to constantly affirm them in every thing you do, right? A relationship where you only praise each other…I think that’s rather gross,” Takawashi kept looking down at the ground while facing Shinomiya-san.

“So…You’re not bullying him…”

“That’s right. I’m keeping him in limbo.”

I’d rather not…

“Oh dear…I got the wrong idea again…I’m so sorry…” Shinomiya-san apologized while feeling clearly awkward about this.

And although I felt bad for her, a part of me thought this was not that bad. After all, we’re in the Human Relationships Research Association. Despite us just discussing plans for the summer, a situation where absolutely no trouble should occur, we’re in such an awkward mood that it’s honestly amazing in a way. This definitely isn’t normal. But in a sense, I don’t know what normal really is. In Shinomiya-san’s case, she is just too nice and polite. Where she’s coming from may be different, but I believe it’s similar to how I messed up back in middle school.

“Shinomiya-san, you seriously don’t have to worry about it! I mean it!”

“And that diligence of yours is what Aika likes about you! You’re fine just the way you are!”

“Absolutely. Saying something like that out of the blue is just gross,” said Takawashi to immediately ruin Aika’s attempt at clearing the air.

“No, it’s fine. I messed up, after all…” So Shinomiya-san said, but I could tell she was relieved.

In fact, if it’s this group of people, even a weird mood isn’t all that bad with us. I can’t read the mood all the time either, so having it a bit iffy like this isn’t so bad.

“Then let’s get back to the topic at hand.”

Shinomiya-san swiftly regained her strength to show us her usual smile, explaining more details about our upcoming trip. She’s starting to look like a trip organizer. It’s people like her who have the strength and energy to take the lead. In terms of attitude and social context, there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s what people would want. However, considering we’re supposed to be friends, it does seem a bit off. It’s like pretending to be a good person to get more friends. While we were talking, I also felt like Aika was regularly glancing my way. And I quickly understood the reason for that.

“And don’t be surprised, but there is going to be a special guest for our trip this time!”

Aika looked at me with a glimmer in her eyes, which made me connect the dots.

“Tatsutawaga Elias-san, our fellow classmate and student council vice president, will be joining us for our trip,” said Shinomiya-san in unison with Aika’s statement.

“Well…Sounds good to me.”

So I’ll have to meet Elias again, huh? That’ll be…rather awkward. I mean, I don’t hate it or anything. Between you and each person you meet, there’s a chemical reaction that sometimes ends, and the two of us are heading in that direction. To her, I’m an enemy, and she’s satisfied with that relationship. So am I. But why are things so awkward then? Because she hasn’t crossed the final line and fully cut me off? And I’m concerned about what she said at the festival. But I don’t think she’ll answer me. Either way, Shinomiya-san continued her explanations of the schedule.

“But that’s enough about that now.”

Listening to those words, Aika went to the drink bar to grab her 4th juice of the day. It seems like she always needs something to sip on.

“Would you like something too, Narihira-kun?”

“Nah, I’ve still got my peach flavored tea, so I’m good.”

Though it’s not really all that delicious, so I can’t bring myself to finish it. Should’ve gone with this, I guess. Shortly after, Aika returned with her melon soda. I guess we’re just going to talk about this and that until we eventually disband. Of course, I’d love to check out a karaoke box at one point, but if I stayed in a narrow room like that, it’d be close to active terrorism. But then, Shinomiya-san shot up from her desk. For a moment, I could see Takawashi jump. She probably thought she was being held at gunpoint again.

“There is something…I’d like to tell you all.”

“Wh-What is it, Shinomiya-san…?”

Both Takawashi and I were terrified, but for different reasons. She’s not going to say she’s done with the HRRA after this trip, right? How do I say this? It felt like Shinomiya-san and this group of ours were just horribly mismatched, disregarding her situation as a transfer student. Of course, we don’t feel that way at all, but it’s more than possible she doesn’t feel comfortable being with us. She’s rather diligent, after all.

“P-Please be friends with me, Shinomiya Ranran, if you would!” She said and once again politely lowered her head.

She did so with excessive momentum that her twin tails twirled through the air.

“U-Um…Aika thought we were already friends…?”

“Yeah…I’d be happy if we could be friends…”

“Is this really how one makes friends…?”

Takawashi’s reaction at the end was not fair. Is she still trying to weasel her way out of calling her a friend? At this rate, she’ll forever just have Aika as a friend, and nobody else. But more importantly, this is about Shinomiya-san.

“That said, I don’t think anybody here will deny how you feel, so it’s fine,” Takawashi offered her hand to Shinomiya-san…all the while looking away, of course.

Seems like she’s willing to accept her now. I guess Takawashi’s grown quite a lot.

“Thank you very much,” Shinomiya-san returned the grip on Takawashi’s hand.

Aika placed it on top there, too.

“RanRan, let’s be good friends from now on too, yeah?”

What beautiful scenery. Which I was watching from afar like a bystander. With my Drain ability, this is as close as I could go. And yet, Aika pulled me in nonetheless.

“What are you doing, Narihira-kun? If you just carefully hold it above us, it’ll be fine!”

When I saw her smiling at me, my heart turned into a marshmallow being roasted. You don’t get that? Well, then let me explain—I want to marry her and form a family with her. Of course, I know this emotion came from her succubus powers. I know that, but why am I blowing past any desire to date her and jump straight into marriage? Am I so starved for human affection that the concept of dating doesn’t even pop up in my mind?

“G-Got it…I don’t think it’ll cause any issues if it’s just for a moment…”

I carefully placed my hand on top of Aika’s and quickly pulled away again.

“Now we’re all friends!” said Aika with a perfect smile.

I’m honestly glad I got to meet Aika. I’ve met some unfavorable people in my life, but it was all worth it since now I can spend time with Aika! Now that was a great ending to our meeting. I can definitely keep going during the second term! I’m not scared of the cultural festival, the school trip, or entrance exams anymore…Actually, no, I’m still scared. But, we were not done yet. When we all sat back down again, Shinomiya-san showed us a melancholic expression, putting her hands together in front of her chest. She looked like a holy maiden offering a prayer.

“Could I…tell you a bit about myself?”

Of course, nobody intervened.

“I never had any friends. Or rather, I lost them.”

Takawashi’s expression became more stern. Then again, she always has that serious look on her face. It showed me that she was actually concerned about Shinomiya-san.

“It doesn’t really surprise me to hear that—” Takawashi kept on hammering down on Shinomiya-san and continued. “But the reason you’re so sensitive when it comes to bullying…Is that because you were once a victim of bullying yourself?”

We’ve reached the crux of the situation. But clearing it up here and now would probably be beneficial for everyone. Revealing it to everyone is probably preferable for Shinomiya-san, considering her personality. However, Shinomiya-san shook her head.

“At my previous high school, I made the mistake of meddling too much.”

Judging from her expression, she genuinely regretted that part of her past.

“A certain girl in my class had fallen in love with a boy. That was right when I had awakened to my ability, and I realized this fact after the Chief Maid told me.”

The Chief Maid can even tell when it comes to that? Looking over at Shinomiya-san’s side, in the space between the table and the wall that could have barely offered 30 to maybe 40 centimeters in space, there stood the Chief Maid. It looked like she was being squished, which made her look taller than usual.

“The Chief maid advised me that this was for the sake of others and that I should help the girl.”

It sounds like something the Chief Maid would say, yeah. She’s basically like a teacher to Shinomiya-san. The issue is, however, in what way she decided to help out.

“And so, I offered to the girl that I would try and help her love come true.”

I didn’t know what would be the conclusion of this, but I knew it wouldn’t be anything peaceful. After all, love is involved in this equation. And nothing good ever comes out of incidents where love is involved. Shinomiya-san probably couldn’t bring herself to look at us because she lowered her gaze down on the table.

“She then questioned me. Asking how I knew about that, and that she only told her best friend about those feelings.”

Now that it had reached that point, somebody had to get hurt as a sacrifice. That girl probably thought her best friend betrayed her and told others. As a result, things got iffy between them. Of course, Shinomiya-san did the right thing and cleared up the misunderstanding, explaining her ability. Thanks to that, the two managed to become friends again, but she was now branded as a meddlesome person. The people around here then obviously put their attention and caution toward that troublesome ability user. It’s different from me, however. If I had to say, it’s closer to Aika. She’s being treated as a chore by her classmates. It’s not just apathy, it’s hostility. She didn’t tell us the conclusion to the story, but since she came all this way to our school in Tokyo from way over in Osaka, she probably didn’t want to stay there any longer. It was a painful story, but after Shinomiya-san was done telling us, she seemed almost relieved, like she had been exorcized by a demon that had possessed her for so long.

“At my previous school, everyone said I looked down on people in every aspect.”

“So you finally realized?”

Takawashi, that was the moment you had to say something uplifting! And you are seriously not one to talk.

“But…That is something admirable in itself. Many people in this world don’t even know that they constantly look down on others. From the moment you know what you’re doing, you’ve already won.”

Oh, so she was trying to be uplifting? So her harsh tone is just a pretense in the end…? The way she ticks is just way too confusing. She’s first being harsh and then says what she actually thinks. It’s like a peeled onion.

“It was the same when I told Tatsugawa-san that she shouldn’t bully Hagure-kun. What I considered to be the correct thing came back to bite me.”

Oh yeah, that did happen. Even Elias was shocked back then.

“Well, it’s hard to really make an adequate judgment on that. There’s no absolutely correct choice. You can only go case by case and see with your own eyes,” Takawashi continued to comment on Shinomiya-san’s story.

Seeing her like that filled me with relief. Well, she’s always more cautious when talking with people than anybody else. She’s got a good sense of balance. Whereas other people would just come to a stand-still and reach a dead-end, she can actually see past that. The sad thing is that not even this talent rewards her with friends. It’ll only cause the opposite effect, which makes both of us suffer.

“Not to mention, what you suffered because of your ability, we’re all in the same boat here. Back in middle school, I couldn’t even go to school at all for a while.”

Takawashi’s words reminded me of something. Shinomiya-san just recently got her ability. When that happens, especially if it’s an odd ability like that, people just don’t know what to do. When I received this ability way back in elementary school, every single day felt like hell to me. I struggled and struggled, slowly falling apart. In middle school and high school, I was still all alone, but I at least knew how to handle myself. Aika looked like she was in pain, too. Probably remembering her past. And while we all suffered through this already, Shinomiya-san was still in the testing phase.

“But let me tell you, Shinomiya-san. What you’ve been doing this time was not wrong. You just have to be more cautious in the future while you work on yourself.”

“Thank you very much!” Shinomiya-san looked relieved and emotional.

Even Aika let out a dumbfounded “Woaaah” voice. After that, Takawashi just barely looked at Shinomiya-san and said in a bashful tone.

“And when it’s Shinomiya-san, I don’t really mind all that much…”

“Well yeah, you’re the senior when it comes to looking down on others.”

“Why don’t I make it so you won’t even be able to look up at me anymore?”

Yeah, her attitude toward me doesn’t change…

“The fog covering my eyes has been cleared up. From now on, I, Shinomiya Ranran, will observe the world around me with my own gaze.”

And in fact, her expression looked refreshed, too. That spoke volumes about how much she’s grown.

“As such, I have decided to graduate from relying on my Chief Maid!”

That comment only made things more confusing. Is she…charging ahead blindly again? That said, she herself seemed at peace with that statement.

“I considered what the Chief Maid told me as correct, thus acting accordingly. However, there is not always a correct answer. I made things worse, causing trouble for everyone.”

The Chief Maid next to her moved her hands up and down, like she seemed anxious.

From now on, I’m going to think about everything on my own and come up with my own answer. And so, I believe it’s time to say farewell to the Chief Maid.”

She sounds like she’s firing the Chief Maid…

“Shinomiya-san, I don’t think the Chief Maid has any bad intentions, so maybe you should just let that slide…”

“Hagure-kun, this Chief Maid is probably a personification of all the knowledge I subconsciously absorbed through the course of my life. It might be part of a supernatural ability, but it’s impossible to consider that it gave birth to a new life form. She must be nothing more than an imaginary friend, as many kids have.”

“That does sound convincing and all…But she actually exists with us, right? I can even touch her…”

The Chief Maid let out a weakened “Meow!” groan. I’m really starting to feel bad for her.

“That may be true, but it might just be a pseudo sensation that our brain creates in unison with our vision,” Shinomiya-san said and then looked over at the Chief Maid.

If any other customer happened to see her during that moment, it would appear as if she was just staring at the wall. But of course, we could see the Chief Maid just fine.

“Chief Maid, you are a symbol to me, who is weak and doesn’t know anything about this world. However, I have to grow and improve on my own, so you can disappear now.”

No tears were escaping from the Chief Maid’s eyes. I don’t think she even can cry. But it looked clear that she was suffering in pain right now.


The Chief Maid pressed her body through the small gap between the table and seats. The table responded and moved itself, creating space for the Chief Maid. She used that space and passed through it—stepping outside the store!

“Hey! Chief Maid! Wait!”

I called out to her, but the Chief Maid didn’t turn around. Of course, because of my sudden outburst, gazes from all over the restaurant focused on me, thinking this was some sort of practice. Maybe that’s what they thought.

“RanRan, are you sure you shouldn’t go after her?”

Aika’s voice sounded riddled with pain. She was probably reminded of the time Takawashi blew a fuse at her, forcing her to dash out of the room. If so, did she want me to chase after her back then? No, I shouldn’t confuse these two very different situations. I have to focus on the issue at hand.

“This is fine this way, everyone,” Shinomiya-san said with a heavy tone. “After all, it’s weird for a high school student to keep plush toys around, right? I want to be able to walk on my own two feet.”

Listening to her words alone, sounded almost admirable, but there was just something that didn’t sit quite right with me. Takawashi remained quiet this whole time, but when I glanced over at her, the expression she had was similar to when Aika stormed out of the room. The only difference is that Shinomiya-san didn’t regret her actions. I guess this is the kind of mindset one would have after not having been plagued by their supernatural ability for too long. I didn’t say so out loud, but that’s what it felt like to me.

“I’m sorry for introducing such a gloomy atmosphere. However, I feel much relieved now.”

Shinomiya-san said that she’d be heading home now, so we all disbanded. More specifically, at the stairs to the ticket gate. I walked to the southern entrance, where I had my bicycle stopped. I’m the only one who lives around that area.

“Things sure took a term for the crazy, didn’t they?” said Takawashi while walking next to me.

I slowed down a bit to ensure she wouldn’t end up within my 1-meter range. She seemed to understand that and didn’t comment on it.

“How should we have handled that? I mean, I get where she’s coming from, so…”

The reason things got awkward for her at her previous school, and why she came to Seikou at such a weird time, as well as her tendency to cross the line at times, it probably comes from the Chief Maid a lot

“I think the problem is also that she looks close to a person, which forces us to sympathize with her. If she was just a laptop or whatever, we wouldn’t have felt any attachment whatsoever.”

We sat down at a bench in the garden nearby, all the while keeping one meter between us.

“You’re always calm and composed, huh? I respect that.”

We should probably accept Shinomiya-san’s decision.

“To be honest, I didn’t stay behind just to talk about that.”

“Then what is it? What else is there for us to talk about?”

“Your relationship with Drink Girl. You looked like you had something to say when she came up in conversation earlier.”

Oh, that? I proceeded and told Takawashi about what happened at the festival. Then again, I’m not revealing any secrets here. Takawashi knows that Elias resents me. She keeps on calling me her enemy after all.

“I think you two are actually pretty close. She wouldn’t tell anybody else about this. She’s all alone, after all.”

“But how am I supposed to resolve things, then?”

This time around, I really have no idea what to do. She knows the grass is greener on her side, yet she resents that very grass.

“Well, all I can tell you is that you shouldn’t try and force something that isn’t meant to be. If you do, you’ll end up like Shinomiya-san.”

The only conclusion we’ve reached is that human relationships are such a chore.

“I think both Elias and Shinomiya-san are diligent people, but they still suffer from the trouble they create…They’re hopeless, huh?” I said but quickly regretted doing so.

After all, I can’t decide on what their happiness is.

“It’s the opposite. They suffer because they are so diligent. If only we’d be slovens like everyone around us.”

“I agree.”

If Takawashi and I could just do as we pleased, we wouldn’t have to worry about the small things.

“You’re trying to earn points with me by agreeing, right?”

“I didn’t even think of that!”

We gazed at a gathering of pigeons passing by ahead of us. I guess there must be some elderly folks regularly feeding them, which is why they take strolls around here.

“But you don’t want to become something like a delinquent, right?”

“Of course not. I believe they’re worth even less than you, Gure-kun. Anyway, I’m going home,” Takawashi said and stood up.

I’ll just take that last part as praise.

“See you around. And thanks.”

I turned my back to Takawashi and started pushing the bicycle ahead of me. The way home’s gonna be rough, considering I have to pedal up a hill road.

4 thoughts on “Butsuriteki ni Koritsu shiteiru Ore no Koukou Seikatsu Volume 2 Chapter 4

  1. you messed up the gender under the illustration, since you later state it is a boy and a girl


    1. Don’t really get what you mean. Could you elaborate?


  2. “A certain boy in my class had fallen in love with a boy. That was right when I had awakened to my ability, and I realized this fact after the Chief Maid told me.”

    The Chief Maid can even tell when it comes to that? Looking over at Shinomiya-san’s side, in the space between the table and the wall that could have barely offered 30 to maybe 40 centimeters in space, there stood the Chief Maid. It looked like she was being squished, which made her look taller than usual.

    “The Chief maid advised me that this was for the sake of others and that I should help the girl.”

    It sounds like something the Chief Maid would say, yeah. She’s basically like a teacher to Shinomiya-san. The issue is, however, in what way she decided to help out.

    “And so, I offered to the girl that I would try and help her love come true.”

    that boy, should be a girl


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